Students and academic staff from the following countries can apply for the scholarship:

1.      Austria
2.      Azerbaijan
3.      Belgium (Federation Wallonia - Brussels)
4.      Bulgaria
5.      Croatia
6.      Cyprus
7.      Czech Republic
8.      Egypt
9.      Estonia
10.   Ethiopia
11.   Fiji
12.   Finland
13.   France
14.   Georgia
15.   Germany
16.   Guinea-Bissau
17.   Hungary
18.   Iceland
19.   Indonesia
20.   Israel
21.   Italy
22.   Japan
23.   Kazakhstan
24.   Kyrgyzstan
25.   Mexico
26.   Moldova
27.   Mongolia
28.   Namibia
29.   Peru
30.   Poland
31.   Senegal
32.   Slovakia
33.   South Korea
34.   Spain
35.   Switzerland
36.   Tajikistan
37.   The People's Republic of China
38.   The United States of America
39.   Turkey
40.   Turkmenistan
41.   Ukraine
42.   Uzbekistan
43.   Vietnam

Last updated: January 2024

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