About Centre for Latvian Studies

International Latvian language and culture summer schools are implemented by Daugavpils University Centre for Latvian Studies since 2017

Centre for Latvian Studies (LSC) was established on 25 January, 2016.

LSC mission – to preserve and promote the Latvian language, Latvian culture and identity, to promote its visibility at international and national level, to cooperate with the public, providing it with the necessary knowledge of Latvistics and Latvian language, to maintain a scientific dialogue with affiliated institutions and scientific industries.

The aim of the LSC is to ensure the introduction and maintenance of innovative and diverse research, information and knowledge transfer tools for the fields of Latvian studies related to the state, people, culture and language of Latvia.

Tasks of LSC:

  • deepen the competence of DU scientists and students on issues of Latvian studies;
  • implement the transfer of scientific research results of Latvian studies from the academic environment to the wider community;
  • to implement national and international projects according to the specific nature of the Centre's activities;
  • co-operate with State and local government institutions, non-governmental organisations, natural and legal persons promoting and supporting Latvian studies;
  • provide information and advice on the scope of LSC activities;
  • motivate students and teachers to engage in LSC activities.
Directions of LSC:
  • To introduce and maintain innovative and diverse research, information and knowledge transfer tools on the fields of Latvian studies related to the state, people, culture and language of Latvia and its integration into global cultural processes;
  • international cooperation in the field of Latvistics;
  • develop methodologies and innovative instruments for the integration of minorities, non-citizens and third-country nationals into Latvian society;
  • implement projects related to the integration of minorities, non-citizens and third-country nationals into Latvian society;
  • develop cooperation models for maintaining contacts with the Latvian diaspora in the world;
  • development of a research base for Latvian studies, including oral history sources;
  • organisation of expeditions and crowdsourcing for recording and documenting the stories and opinions of the people of Eastern Latvia;
  • preparing and issuing scientific, methodical and popular science publications in the areas covered by LSC;
  • creation, development and assurance of the content of the courses of DU study programmes;
  • develop and offer lectures and courses in the areas of LSC to the general public (teachers, librarians, secondary school students);
  • development of distance learning programmes in the areas covered by LSC;
  • the organisation of student volunteering;
  • organisation of public involvement activities in areas related to the activities of LSC;
  • preparation of future writers;
  • the establishment and maintenance of education tools for young people;
  • cooperation Daugavpils University Lifelong Learning, Culture and Science Communication Society “Intellect Park”

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