Day 1
July 23
📖 My Identity
🔍 Introduction to Latvia and Latgale
Day 2
July 24
📖 Latvia and Latgale: Territorial and Culturohistorical Division. Orientation in Space
🔍 Familiarisation with Daugavpils Multiethnicity and Religious Diversity
Day 3
July 25
📖 Regional Landscape, Fauna, Flora
🔍 Nature Resources for Regional Development
Day 4
July 26
📖 Latvia in Words, Colours and Sounds
🔍 Region's Cultural Values in Latvian Culture Canon: Rainis
Day 5
July 27
📖 Regional and Global Features in the Menu
🔍 Regional Gastrotourism
Day 6
July 28
📖 Regional Inhabitants and History
🔍 Historical heritage of the Region
Day 7
July 29
📖 Leisure and Entertainment
🔍 Regional Offers for Lifelong Learning, Leisure, Hobbies and Relaxation
Day 8
July 30
📖 Body. Feeling. Health.
🔍 Traditional and Innovative for Ecological Lifestyle: Regional Offers
Day 9
July 31
📖 Regions and Their Secrets. Final Test
🔍 The presentation of Own Region’s Traditions.
Day 10
August 1
📖 Integrated Class “The Region Speaks!”
🔍 Closing Event

📖 – Latvian Language Learning Module
🔍 – Regional Study Module

Photos from previous Summer Schools:

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This project has been funded with support from State Education Development Agency of the Republic of Latvia

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