Day 1
August 1
1. Introduction
2. The Concept of Soviet Military Heritage: Geo-political and Interdisciplinary Discourse
3. Soviet Military Relics in Daugavpils City (field trip)
Day 2
August 2
1. Functional Latvian Language Learning
2. Thematic excursion on Soviet Era at Daugvapils Fortress
Day 3
August 3
1. Functional Latvian Language Learning
2. Field Study at Lociki Military Airfield and Military Town
Day 4
August 4
1. Functional Latvian Language Learning
2. Visit of World War Two Museum exhibition at Aglona
3. Introduction to present-day military objects of Latvia at Lūznava and Ludza.
Day 5
August 5
1. Functional Latvian Language Learning
2. Lecture on Soviet Army
3. Visit of Svente Museum of Military Vehicles.
Day 6
August 6
1. Seminar Semiotics of Military Town
2. Discussion Soviet Military Hegemony: Gender Discourse
3. Lecture on the role of the Baltic States at Cold War Situation.
Day 7
August 7
1. Trip to Liepāja, Functional Latvian Language Learning
2. Visit to Liepāja Military Port
3. Meeting with Latvian Writer Andra Manfelde*
Day 8
August 8
1. Visit of Soviet Border Guard Point at Jūrmalciems
2. Trip to Ventspils, Functional Latvian Language Learning
3. Visit to Irbene Radiotelescope
Day 9
August 9
1. Visit of Fire correction Tower of Ventspils 46th Coastal Defence Battery
2. Excursion to Aivars Ormanis’ Military Collection at Mundigciems
Day 10
August 10
1. Soviet Military objects at Riga region
2. Visit of Monument of Victory as Occupation Relic
3. Skulte Military Airplane IL 28
4. Rīga Airport, departure

*Andra Manfelde is a Latvian writer, author of novel “Virsnieku sievas” which is centered on relationships between Soviet militarist families and citizens of Liepāja City.

This project has been funded with support from State Education Development Agency of the Republic of Latvia

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